The sendspace Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to embed sendspace services in your applications, programs, or scripts, regardless of platform and programming language.
All communication with the sendspace API (1.2) assumes a UTF-8 encoding.
sendspace API (1.2) currently supports the following methods:Authentication
Method: auth.register
- Description
Creates a new user account. An activation/validation email will be sent automatically to the user.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
api_key | Yes | Received from sendspace |
full_name | Yes | a-z/A-Z/space , 3-100 chars |
Yes | Valid email address required | |
password | Yes | Can be left empty and the API will create a unique password or enter one with 4-20 chars |
- Returns
ok status
- Response
<result method="auth.register" status="ok">
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
27 | API_ERROR_REGISTRATION_ERROR | * A specific text message will be sent according to the error * |
Method: auth.createToken
- Description
Obtains a new and random token per session. Required for login.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
api_key | Yes | Received from sendspace |
api_version | Yes | Api revision number, e.g. 1.2 |
app_version | No | Application specific, formatting / style is up to you |
response_format | No | Value must be: XML |
- Returns
A token to be used with the auth.login method
- Response
<result method="auth.createToken" status="ok">
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
5 | API_ERROR_BAD_API_VERSION | Unknown or unsupported API version |
25 | API_ERROR_OUTDATED_VERSION | The application version you are using is too old. Please upgrade it. |
Method: auth.login
- Description
Starts a session and returns user API method capabilities -- which features the given user can and cannot use.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
token | Yes | Received on create token |
user_name | Yes | Registered email address |
tokened_password | Yes | lowercase(md5(token+lowercase(md5(password)))) - md5 values should always be lowercase. |
- Returns
session_key to be sent with all method calls, user information, including the user account's capabilities. Only business users may receive chat_ready in response: 0/absent - instant messaging unavailable, 1 - only one user in the team, 2 – available and one or more team mate can be contacted.
- Response
<result method="auth.login" status="ok">
<user_name>Full name</user_name>
- Usage Example[email protected]&tokened_password=2cb501e4j86ef8ad17f6b26b90ee5764
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
8 | API_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE | Authentication error |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
Method: auth.checksession
- Description
Checks if a session is valid or not.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
- Returns
Session status (OK/Expired) and up to date account statistics which include the of user's remaining bandwidth & disk space information
- Response
<result method="auth.checkSession" status="ok">
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
7 | API_ERROR_SESSION_NOT_AUTH | Session not authenticated |
Method: auth.logout
- Description
Logs out from a session.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
- Returns
OK status
- Response
<result method="auth.logout" status="ok">
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
Method: upload.getInfo
- Description
Obtains the information needed to perform an upload.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
speed_limit | No | Upload speed limit in kilobytes, 0 for unlimited |
- Returns
URL to upload the file to, progress_url for real-time progress information, max_file_size for max size current user can upload, upload_identifier & extra_info to be passed with the upload form
- Response
<result method="upload.getInfo" status="ok">
<upload url="" progress_url="" max_file_size="" upload_identifier="" extra_info="" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
19 | API_ERROR_PRO_EXPIRED | Pro user, account expired |
20 | API_ERROR_PRO_DISKSPACE_LIMIT | Pro user, reached disk space limit |
- upload method
<form method="post" action="[url value received in response]" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<!-- MUST FIELDS -->
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="[max_file_size value received in response]">
<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value="[upload_identifier value received in response]">
<input type="hidden" name="extra_info" value="[extra_info value received in response]">
<input type="file" name="userfile">
<input type="text" name="description">
<input type="text" name="password">
<input type="text" name="folder_id">
<input type="text" name="recipient_email"> <!-- an email (or emails separated with ,) of recipient/s to receive information about the upload -->
<input type="text" name="recipient_message"> <!-- a message to include in email to recipient/s -->
<input type="checkbox" name="notify_uploader" value="1"> <!-- 0/1 - should the uploader be notified? -->
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url"> <!-- page to redirect after upload will be attached upload_status=ok/fail&file_id=XXXX -->
- Different file input name
- When Upload Ends
* upload_status: ok/fail
* file_id: file_id (can be used in the API for later)
If no redirect_url is given, a page with the following text will be sent:
- Progress Bar
<speed>50</speed> <!-- in kbps -->
<uploaded_bytes>1000</uploaded_bytes> <!-- in bytes -->
<total_size>50000</total_size> <!-- in bytes -->
<meter>0-100</meter> <!-- percentage of upload done -->
Because the xHTTPRequest JavaScript call, for security reasons, is unable to issue requests to hosts other than the host the page originated from, you need to make use of a simple proxy to read the progress information. For example:
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo file_get_contents($_REQUEST['url']);
- Multiple Uploads
* Use "userfile" & "description" without the number "1" for the first file.
Example for uploading 3 files:
<input type="file" name="userfile">
<input type="text" name="description">
<input type="file" name="userfile2">
<input type="text" name="description2">
<input type="file" name="userfile3">
<input type="text" name="description3">
Method: anonymous.uploadGetInfo
- Description
Obtains the basic information needed to make an anonymous upload. This method does not require authentication or login.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
speed_limit | No | Upload speed limit in kilobytes, 0 for unlimited |
api_key | Yes | Received from sendspace |
api_version | Yes | 1.0 |
app_version | No | Application specific, formatting / style is up to you |
- Returns
URL to upload the file to, progress_url for real-time progress information, max_file_size for max size current user can upload, upload_identifier & extra_info to be passed in the upload form
- Response
<result method="anonymous.uploadgetinfo" status="ok">
<upload url="" progress_url="" max_file_size="" upload_identifier="" extra_info="" />
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
5 | API_ERROR_BAD_API_VERSION | Unknown or unsupported API version |
- upload method
<form method="post" action="[url value received in response]" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<!-- MUST FIELDS -->
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="[max_file_size value received in response]">
<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value="[upload_identifier value received in response]">
<input type="hidden" name="extra_info" value="[extra_info value received in response]">
<input type="file" name="userfile">
<input type="text" name="description">
<input type="text" name="recipient_email"> <!-- an email (or emails separated with ,) of recipient/s to receive information about the upload -->
<input type="text" name="recipient_message"> <!-- a message to include in email to recipient/s -->
<input type="text" name="notify_uploader" value=""> <!-- uploader email -->
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url"> <!-- page to redirect after upload will be attached upload_status=ok/fail&file_id=XXXX -->
- When Upload Ends
* upload_status: ok/fail
* file_id: file_id (can be used in the API for later)
If no redirect_url is given, an xml page with following format will be sent:
- Progress Bar
<speed>50</speed> <!-- in kbps -->
<uploaded_bytes>1000</uploaded_bytes> <!-- in bytes -->
<total_size>50000</total_size> <!-- in bytes -->
<meter>0-100</meter> <!-- percentage of upload done -->
Because Ajax, for security reasons, is unable to issue requests to hosts other than the host the pages originated from, you need to make use a proxy to read the progress information. For example:
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo file_get_contents($_REQUEST['url']);
Method: anonymous.filesSendMail
- Description
Sends the file link (URL) to the recipient(s), by email.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
api_key | Yes | Received from sendspace |
api_version | Yes | 1.0 |
app_version | No | Application specific, formatting / style is up to you |
file_id | Yes | file_id or list of files' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
sender_email | Yes | Sender email |
emails | Yes | List of emails to send |
message | No | Additional message to send the recipients |
- Returns
id of the file if operation was successful
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="anonymous.filesSendMail" status="ok">
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="anonymous.filesSendMail" status="fail">
<error code="24" text="Email(s) are invalid"/>
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
24 | API_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL | Email(s) are invalid |
Method: download.getInfo
- Description
Returns information required to download a file.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
file_id | Yes | file_id or full file URL starting with http:// |
password | No |
- Returns
URL for direct download of the file, and file information (name & size)
- Response
<result method="download.getInfo" status="ok">
<download file_id="" name="" url="" file_size="" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
12 | API_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_TEMP_ERROR | Download is temporarily unavailable |
19 | API_ERROR_PRO_EXPIRED | Pro user, account expired |
22 | API_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD | A wrong or empty password was given |
23 | API_ERROR_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT | Account bandwidth limit reached |
26 | API_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_URL | Not a sendspace download URL (must start with and contain a 6 character link) |
Method: files.getInfo
- Description
Gets information about a specific file.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
file_id | Yes | file_id or list of files id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
- Returns
Full file information including size, upload date, download URLs & number of downloads, password property present if protection was set. The property business_shared=1 will be returned if granted access to team, but not_owned=1 if file acessed by unprivileged member, in such case delete_url and password properties will be absent.
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="files.getInfo" status="ok">
<file id="" name="" description="" password="" folder_id="" download_page_url="" direct_download_url="" delete_url="" upload_time="" file_size="" downloads="" time_limit="" download_limit="" limit_action="" limit_action_to_folder="" business_shared="" not_owned="" />
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="files.getinfo" status="fail">
<error code="9" text="File not found"/>
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
Method: files.moveToFolder
- Description
Moves a file or files into a specific folder.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
file_id | Yes | file_id or list of files' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
- Returns
Full file information(s) and comma-separated list of IDs suceeded to move in an "id" tag. One or several error messages, optionally containing specific reason and IDs of those files failed in an "id" property.
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="files.movetoFolder" status="ok">
<file id="abcdef" ... />
<file id="abcdeg" ... />
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="files.movetoFolder" status="fail">
<error code="..." text="Permission denied" />
<!-- mixed response -->
<result method="files.movetoFolder" status="ok">
<file id="abcdef" ... />
<file id="abcdeg" ... />
<error code="..." text="..." id="abcdeh,abcdek" />
<error code="..." text="..." id="abcdei,abcdej" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
Method: files.setInfo
- Description
Updates information about a specific file.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
file_id | Yes | file_id or list of files id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
name | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
description | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
password | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
folder_id | No | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
business_shared | No | 1 to set, 0 to unset folder as shared to your business team. Only works for business plan users and top-level folders. |
time_limit | No | Seconds until limit reached |
download_limit | No | Total number of downloads until limit reached |
limit_action | No | Action to perform when reached limit (1=block downloads, 2=delete file, 3=move file to a different folder) |
limit_action_to_folder | No | folder_id if limit_action is 3 |
- Returns
Full and up to date file information if the operation was successful
- Response
<result method="files.setInfo" status="ok">
<file id="" ... />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
Method: files.delete
- Description
Deletes a single file or more. This action cannot be reversed.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
file_id | Yes | file_id or list of files' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
- Returns
Minimal file tag(s) and comma-separated list of IDs suceeded to delete in an "id" tag. One or several error messages, optionally containing specific reason and IDs of those files failed in an "id" property.
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="files.delete" status="ok">
<file id="abcdef" />
<file id="abcdeg" />
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="files.delete" status="fail">
<error code="..." text="Permission denied"/>
<!-- mixed response -->
<result method="files.delete" status="ok">
<file id="abcdef" />
<file id="abcdeg" />
<error code="..." text="" id="abcdeh,abcdek" />
<error code="..." text="" id="abcdei,abcdej" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
Method: files.sendMail
- Description
Sends the file link (URL) to the recipient(s), by email.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
file_id | Yes | file_id or list of files' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
emails | Yes | List of emails to send |
message | No | Additional message to send the recipients |
direct_link | No | For PRO users to send direct link or not |
- Returns
id of the file if operation was successful
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="files.sendMail" status="ok">
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="files.sendmail" status="fail">
<error code="24" text="Email(s) are invalid"/>
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
24 | API_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL | Email(s) are invalid |
Method: folders.getInfo
- Description
Gets information about a specific folder.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
- Returns
Folder information. The folder_password property may be present if protection was set; business_shared=1 if allowed access by team, not_owned=1 for read-only access.
- Response
<result method="folders.getInfo" status="ok">
<folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id="" total_files="" total_size="" total_folders="" folder_password="" not_owned="" business_shared="" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
Method: folders.create
- Description
Creates a new folder.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
name | Yes | |
shared | No | Value can be 0 for private or 1 for public |
parent_folder_id | No | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
- Returns
New folder information
- Response
<result method="folders.create" status="ok">
<folder id="..." ... />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
Method: folders.setInfo
- Description
Updates folder information.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
name | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
shared | No | Value can be 0 for private or 1 for public. Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
parent_folder_id | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
- Returns
Current folder information
- Response
<result method="folders.setInfo" status="ok">
<folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id=""/>
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
31 | API_ERROR_BAD_TARGET_FOLDER | Invalid target folder selected |
Method: folders.delete
- Description
Deletes a folder including all sub-folders and files inside.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | folder_id or list of folders' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
- Returns
Minimal folder tag(s) and comma-separated list of IDs suceeded to delete in an "id" tag. One or several error messages, optionally containing specific reason and IDs of those folders failed in an "id" property.
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="folders.delete" status="ok">
<folder id="abcdef" />
<folder id="abcdeg" />
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="folders.delete" status="fail">
<error code="..." text="Permission denied"/>
<!-- mixed response -->
<result method="folders.delete" status="ok">
<folder id="abcdef" />
<folder id="abcdeg" />
<error code="..." text="..." id="abcdeh,abcdek" />
<error code="..." text="..." id="abcdei,abcdej" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
14 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY | Folder is not empty |
Method: folders.getContents
- Description
Obtains the full contents of a folder, including files and any sub-folders.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
- Returns
Files & folders information list
- Response
<result method="folders.getContents" status="ok">
<folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id=""/>
<folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id=""/>
<file id="" name="" description="" password="" folder_id="" download_page_url="" direct_download_url="" upload_time="" file_size="" downloads="" time_limit="" download_limit="" limit_action="" limit_action_to_folder=""/>
<file id="" name="" description="" password="" folder_id="" download_page_url="" direct_download_url="" upload_time="" file_size="" downloads="" time_limit="" download_limit="" limit_action="" limit_action_to_folder=""/>
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
Method: folders.getShared
- Description
Obtains the full contents of a shared folder, including files and any shared sub-folders.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or full url |
- Returns
Folder info, files & sub folders information list
- Response
<result method="folders.getShared" status="ok">
<current id="" name="" parent_folder_id=""/>
<folder id="" name="" parent_folder_id=""/>
<folder id="" name="" parent_folder_id=""/>
<file id="" name="" description="" folder_id="" upload_time="" file_size=""/>
<file id="" name="" description="" folder_id="" upload_time="" file_size=""/>
- Usage Example******
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
Method: folders.getAll
- Description
Obtains information about all available folders.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
- Returns
Folders information list. See folders.getInfo for structure of a folder-record.
- Response
<result method="folders.getAll" status="ok">
<folder id="" ... />
<folder id="" ... />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
Method: folders.move
- Description
Moves a folder. Can be moved into another folder, or placed in the root.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or list of folders' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
parent_folder_id | Yes | folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
- Returns
Minimal folder information(s) and comma-separated list of IDs suceeded to move in an "id" tag. One or several error messages, optionally containing specific reason and IDs of those folders failed in an "id" property.
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="folders.move" status="ok">
<folder id="abcdef" />
<folder id="abcdeg" />
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="folders.move" status="fail">
<error code="..." text="Permission denied"/>
<!-- mixed response -->
<result method="folders.move" status="ok">
<folder id="abcdef" />
<folder id="abcdeg" />
<error code="..." text="..." id="abcdeh,abcdek" />
<error code="..." text="..." id="abcdei,abcdej" />
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
31 | API_ERROR_BAD_TARGET_FOLDER | Invalid target folder selected |
Method: folders.sendMail
- Description
Sends the folder link (URL) to the recipient(s), by email.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | folder_id or list of folders' id's (a1a1a1,s2s2s2,d3d3d3) |
emails | Yes | List of emails to send |
message | No | Additional message to send the recipients |
- Returns
ID of the folder if operation was successful
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="folders.sendMail" status="ok">
<!-- failed response -->
<result method="folders.sendmail" status="fail">
<error code="24" text="Email(s) are invalid"/>
- Usage Example******&emails=webmasteratsendspacedotcom&message=check+this+folder
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
24 | API_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL | Email(s) are invalid |
Method: addressbook.list
- Description
Gets entire addressbook information
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
- Returns
List of emails
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="addressbook.list" status="ok">
<contact email="" name="" description="" type="0/1 - 0 = added by user, 1 = collected"/>
<contact email="" name="" description="" type="0/1 - 0 = added by user, 1 = collected"/>
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
Method: addressbook.add
- Description
Add entry to addressbook
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
Yes | Contact email | |
name | No | Contact name |
description | No | Description of contact |
type | No | 0 = added by user, 1 = collected |
- Returns
New contact information
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="addressbook.add" status="ok">
<contact email="" name="" description="" type="0/1 - 0 = added by user, 1 = collected"/>
- Usage Example[email protected]&name=test+test&description=friend&type=0
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
24 | API_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL | Email(s) are invalid |
28 | API_ERROR_CONTACT_EXISTS | Contact already exists |
32 | API_ERROR_CONTACTS_LIMIT | Reached contacts limit. Please free up unused contacts and try again. |
Method: addressbook.update
- Description
Update details of a specific addressbook entry
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
Yes | Contact email. cannot be changed. for changing need to use add | |
name | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
description | No | Only use if you want to change data. Sending empty will clear existing data. |
type | No | 0 = added by user, 1 = collected |
- Returns
Current contact details
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="addressbook.update" status="ok">
<contact email="" name="" description="" type="0/1 - 0 = added by user, 1 = collected"/>
- Usage Example[email protected]&name=tester+tester
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
29 | API_ERROR_CONTACT_NOT_EXISTS | Contact doesn't exist |
Method: addressbook.delete
- Description
Delete contacts, searching by email address, can receive list of email addresses
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
Yes | Contact email. cannot be changed. for changing need to use add |
- Returns
Contact email address if operation was successful
- Response
<!-- successful response -->
<result method="addressbook.delete" status="ok">
- Usage Example[email protected],[email protected]
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
29 | API_ERROR_CONTACT_NOT_EXISTS | Contact doesn't exist |
Code | Name | Description |
1 | API_ERROR_NO_METHOD | No method parameter in request |
2 | API_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD | Unknown method |
3 | API_ERROR_SESSION_KEY_MISSING | Session key parameter missing |
4 | API_ERROR_PARAMETER_MISSING | Method parameter(s) missing |
5 | API_ERROR_BAD_API_VERSION | Unknown or unsupported API version |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
7 | API_ERROR_SESSION_NOT_AUTH | Session not authenticated |
8 | API_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE | Authentication error |
9 | API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |
12 | API_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_TEMP_ERROR | Download is temporarily unavailable |
13 | API_ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP_ERROR | Upload is temporarily unavailable |
14 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY | Folder is not empty |
15 | API_ERROR_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE | System maintenance, try again later |
16 | API_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | One of the parameters is invalid |
17 | API_ERROR_HTTPS_FORBIDDEN | HTTPS is forbidden for current user |
18 | API_ERROR_UNKNOWN_API_KEY | Unknown API key sent |
19 | API_ERROR_PRO_EXPIRED | Pro user, account expired |
20 | API_ERROR_PRO_DISKSPACE_LIMIT | Pro user, reached disk space limit |
21 | API_ERROR_PARAMETER_BAD_VALUE | One of the parameter values is invalid |
22 | API_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD | A wrong or empty password was given |
23 | API_ERROR_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT | Account bandwidth limit reached |
24 | API_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL | Email(s) are invalid |
25 | API_ERROR_OUTDATED_VERSION | The application version you are using is too old. Please upgrade it. |
26 | API_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_URL | Not a sendspace download URL (must start with and contain a 6 character link) |
27 | API_ERROR_REGISTRATION_ERROR | * A specific text message will be sent according to the error * |
28 | API_ERROR_CONTACT_EXISTS | Contact already exists |
29 | API_ERROR_CONTACT_NOT_EXISTS | Contact doesn't exist |
30 | API_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS | Too many sessions open for your user account. Please close previous sessions. |
31 | API_ERROR_BAD_TARGET_FOLDER | Invalid target folder selected |
32 | API_ERROR_CONTACTS_LIMIT | Reached contacts limit. Please free up unused contacts and try again. |
33 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_IS_PRIVATE | Folder is private. Only the owner can view. |