sendspace API (1.2)

> Upload New File

Developer Guide

The sendspace Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to embed sendspace services in your applications, programs, or scripts, regardless of platform and programming language.
All communication with the sendspace API (1.2) assumes a UTF-8 encoding.

< Return to Method List

Method: folders.getContents


Obtains the full contents of a folder, including files and any sub-folders.

Name Mandatory Description
session_key Yes Received from auth.login
folder_id Yes A folder_id code or 0 for root folder

Files & folders information list


<result method="folders.getContents" status="ok">
    <folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id=""/>
    <folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id=""/>
    <file id="" name="" description="" password="" folder_id="" download_page_url="" direct_download_url="" upload_time="" file_size="" downloads="" time_limit="" download_limit="" limit_action="" limit_action_to_folder=""/>
    <file id="" name="" description="" password="" folder_id="" download_page_url="" direct_download_url="" upload_time="" file_size="" downloads="" time_limit="" download_limit="" limit_action="" limit_action_to_folder=""/>
Usage Example
Possible Errors
Code Name Description
6 API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD Session expired or not found
10 API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND Folder not found

