The sendspace Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to embed sendspace services in your applications, programs, or scripts, regardless of platform and programming language.
All communication with the sendspace API (1.2) assumes a UTF-8 encoding.
< Return to Method List
Method: folders.getInfo
- Description
Gets information about a specific folder.
- Arguments
Name | Mandatory | Description |
session_key | Yes | Received from auth.login |
folder_id | Yes | A folder_id code or 0 for root folder |
- Returns
Folder information. The folder_password property may be present if protection was set; business_shared=1 if allowed access by team, not_owned=1 for read-only access.
- Response
<result method="folders.getInfo" status="ok">
<folder id="" name="" shared="" public_url="" rss_url="" parent_folder_id="" total_files="" total_size="" total_folders="" folder_password="" not_owned="" business_shared="" />
- Usage Example
- Possible Errors
Code | Name | Description |
6 | API_ERROR_SESSION_BAD | Session expired or not found |
10 | API_ERROR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
11 | API_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | Permission denied |