sendspace DropBox:

By uploading, submitting or otherwise disclosing or distributing content for display or inclusion on this site, you give this site unlimited license in perpetuity to the content and the information therein. If this is the first time you work with us, please feel free to fill out our license authorization form you will receive shortly after your first submission (Always from Copyright (@) / request it if not received yet). Also we no longer accept Cds and Vinyls. High quality MP3/WAV Files only. Please provide all versions available such as CLEAN, DIRTY (At least) also INSTRUMENTAL, ACAPELLA when available. Finally you must provide your labels name, Email contact and a phone number (Optional Net-social Link like Facebook, Twitter etc...). If you work with an Eblaster or/and a Promoter please provide them this Email Mp3(@) for their mailing. Your attached copyrighted downloadable musical file(s) are to be used for promotional purposes only. They are distributed to music professionals for their personal promotional use, and are intended only for the receiving party. The lending, distributing, forwarding, posting, copying (other than burning a copy for your library and promotional use) is illegal and protected by Federal Law. Any other use constitutes a federal offense, punishable by law, please govern yourself accordingly. If you feel someone should be receiving this promotional material and is not please contact us and let us know. Be careful you must represent and warrant that you own all rights to any content submitted. You will indemnify and hold harmless this site, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, customers, vendors, hosts, officers and employees from any liability, damage or cost (including reasonable attorneys. fees and cost) from (i) any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of any content you submit.
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