Free Extra Month!
Upgrade today and get a free bonus month or extra bandwidth, depending on your plan.
Our Most Popular Plan
Pro Plus
per month*
As Pro Base, but with higher recipient bandwidth for users to share their files.
Pro Plus Plan includes:
Upload and send files up to 10 GB each
Fast Ad-free Uploads & Downloads
Unlimited Lifetime Storage
Unlimited personal downloading
Send any file using direct links
Share a group of files with one link
Password-protect files & folders
Auto renew - you can cancel any time
Select your Pro Plus Plan:
Our Most Popular Plan
Pro Base
per month*
Fast and Ad-free Uploads & Downloads for you and your recipients.
Pro Base Plan includes:
Upload and send files up to 5 GB each
Fast Ad-free Uploads & Downloads
Unlimited Lifetime Storage
Unlimited personal downloading
Send any file using direct links
Share a group of files with one link
Auto renew - you can cancel any time
Select your Pro Base Plan:
Our Most Popular Plan
per month*
Create multi-user accounts, collaborate with shared folders, and much more.
Business Plan includes:
Combine a work group of users
In-site private instant messaging
Unlimited Lifetime Storage
Upload and send files up to 10 GB each
Collaborate with shared folders
Password protect files & folders
Customize your download pages
Auto renew - you can cancel any time
Select your Business Plan:
*based on annual payment. Prices shown exclude Value Added Tax (VAT) if applicable. You must use the Wizard desktop app for files over 5GB.
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